Download and Learn Cloud Native Application Architecture Udacity Nanodegree Course 2023 for free with google drive download link.

Meet the growing demand for cloud native architects and learn to identify the best application architecture solutions for an organization’s needs.

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What You’ll Learn in Cloud Native Application Architecture Nanodegree

Cloud Native Application Architecture

Estimated 4 months to complete

You’ll master the skills necessary to become a successful cloud native architect. Learn to run and manage scalable applications in a cloud native environment, using open source tools and projects like ArgoCD, gRPC, and Grafana.

Cloud Native Application Architecture Intro Video:

Prerequisite knowledge

HTTP, Python, Git, Linux, Docker.

A well-prepared learner will meet the following prerequisites:

  • Understand the basics of http (like client, server, and internet request)
  • Basic Python (data types, Functions, REST requests, web development)
  • Ability to use Git, Linux machines, and Linux Command Line
  • Familiar with Web application development in any language
  • Familiarity with Docker, exposure to a CI/CD pipeline is not required for success in this program but is a helpful prerequisite skill to have.

Cloud Native Fundamentals

Throughout this course, students will learn how to structure, package, and release an application to a Kubernetes cluster, while using an automated CI/CD pipeline. Students will start by applying a suite of good development practices within an application, package it with Docker and distribute it through DockerHub. This will transition to the exploration of Kubernetes resources and how these can be used to deploy an application. At this stage, students will be comfortable using k3s to bootstrap a lightweight and functional Kubernetes cluster. Next, students will examine template configuration managers, such as Helm, to implement the parameterization of Kubernetes declarative manifests. Towards the end of the course, students will learn the fundamentals of Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) with GitHub Actions and ArgoCD and completely automate the release process for an application.

Project – TechTrends

TechTrends is an online website used as a news sharing platform that enables users to access the latest news within the cloud-native ecosystem. Students will need to extend the project to export and visualize the logs, metrics and status of the application. They will apply their acquired knowledge to package, store and distribute the code as a Docker image. In its turn, the artifact (or Docker image) will be deployed to a cluster using Kubernetes resources, such as deployments and services. By the end of the project, students will use Helm to template the Kubernetes manifests, and automate the TechTrends project release using GitHub Actions and ArgoCD.

Message Passing

In this course, students will learn how to refactor microservice capabilities from a monolithic architecture, and employ different forms of message passing in microservices. To begin, students will create a migration strategy to refactor a service from a monolith to its own microservice and implement the migration. Next, students will be introduced to industry standard best practices for message passing in a service architecture and finally, students will focus on design decisions and the implementations of different forms of message passing in development and production systems.

Project – Refactor UdaConnect

In this project, students will refactor UdaConnect, an existing application that facilitates professional networking at conference and trade shows. UdaConnect ingests and uses location data to find connections between individuals who have been near one another at an event. The current version of the application is built as a proof-of-concept with a monolith architecture. Your task is to apply strategies that you have learned in the course to refactor this application into a microservice architecture and implement message passing strategies to improve its design.


This course covers the fundamentals of observability in distributed systems. Today, Kubernetes has become the de facto standard for Cloud Native applications and is widely used for distributed systems. To be effective as an observability expert, it is critical to understand how to monitor and respond to the health and performance of both your Kubernetes clusters and the applications hosted on them. This course will teach students how to collect system performance data using Prometheus, how to collect application tracing data using Jaeger, and how to visualize the results in a dashboard using Grafana.

Project – Building a Metrics Dashboard

In this project, you will install and use the basic tools required to perform application tracing and performance monitoring, including Jaeger and Prometheus. You will then learn how to deploy and use Grafana to create dashboards and graphs to visualize performance and trace data collected in the Kubernetes cluster. Finally, you will practice the day-to-day operations of a reliability engineer, such as planning SLIs and filing tickets.

Microservices Security

Learn how to harden a Docker and Kubernetes microservices architecture. To begin, students will learn STRIDE to threat model and reason about microservice security. Next, students will dig deep to explore the Docker and Kubernetes attack surface and be introduced to industry open-source tools such as Docker-bench and Kube-bench to evaluate and harden Docker and Kubernetes weaknesses. Students will then learn about software composition analysis with Trivy and Grype to evaluate image layers and common application security vulnerabilities and provide remediation. Finally, students will deploy runtime security monitoring to introspect running microservices for security signals and learn how to respond to a security incident.

Project – Hardened Microservices Environment

In this project, students will be presented with a real-life scenario to threat-model and harden a Kubernetes environment in response to security concerns brought to them by their company’s CTO. Students will use an openSUSE base image to create a hardened Docker container and deploy it to a Docker Hub image registry. Students will then use it to deploy a Kubernetes cluster with a pre-configured Falco DaemonSet and harden the cluster using what we learned from the course. Students will introduce a security incident intentionally, then work on identifying the payload, remediating it, and conducting a post-mortem. Students will create alerting for this payload, review lessons learned, and write an incident response report.

According to a 2020 Capgemini survey of 900 business leaders, enterprise cloud native apps will more than double in the next year.

All our programs include:

Real-world projects from industry experts

With real world projects and immersive content built in partnership with top tier companies, you’ll master the tech skills companies want.

Technical mentor support

Our knowledgeable mentors guide your learning and are focused on answering your questions, motivating you and keeping you on track.

Career services

You’ll have access to Github portfolio review and LinkedIn profile optimization to help you advance your career and land a high-paying role.

Flexible learning program

Tailor a learning plan that fits your busy life. Learn at your own pace and reach your personal goals on the schedule that works best for you.

❗❗ Important Must Read ❗❗

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